Available Tax Reports

A description of the Tax reports that are available in Reports Manager and the names of the corresponding reports in the pre-migration version of Tax are listed below.

Click a CCH Axcess report name in the table below for required permissions, complete specifications, and a sample for each report.

Note: A license for CCH Axcess Tax must be assigned in your staff profile for you to view and have access to Tax reports.

CCH Axcess Tax Report Description
Authorization By Product Shows the number of authorizations processed for each authorization type within a specified time period. The number of Organizer and Scan authorizations are also included in the report.
Authorized Returns Lists details about the returns for which authorizations have been applied.
Detailed Returns Processed

Records the first calculation of all federal returns and the first calculation of each state taxing authority added to returns for a specified organizational unit, such as office or business unit. The report can be run for a maximum of 366 days based on the date processed.

Returns Processed Shows the number of all return entities that have been calculated in a tax year for each product and taxing authority. The report can be filtered by a date range. Entities for which the firm is licensed for unlimited processing are noted in the report with an asterisk. The system counts only the first calculation for federal and the first calculation of each state taxing authority.